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March 9, 2025

Discussion Topic: Series #4

DISCOURAGEMENT: Handling Your 4 Major Emotions to Crises

Watch Now on the Voyager's YouTube Channel (1:00:24)

Bill Nichols & Dr. Jan Patterson

Follow along using the transcript provided on YouTube page (link is under the main video)

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Note from Dr. Bill Nichols:

Ever feel DISCOURAGED? Have you at times grown so weary you’re about to give up, just quit? You find yourself saying , “I can’t take it anymore.” Do you simply have the “blues” or are you deeply depressed? Is there a difference?


What’s causing your discouragement? Maybe it’s a health issue, a defiant family member, a broken relationship, or something else. You just don’t know what to do. 

It’s a common feeling. In fact, it’s one of the top four most common and damaging emotional reactions we have to crises in our lives. Truth is—these feelings can actually prevent us from having healthy relationships with others and our Lord. 

Because of the importance and prevalence of discouragement in all of our lives, but especially us older folks, I’ve invited Dr. Jan Patterson to join me in teaching this Sunday. Jan has personally experienced discouragement in her work as a physician, but also in her personal life. She brings excellent practical help from her work as an Integrative Medicine doctor. We’re fortunate to have Jan as one of our Voyagers and that she willingly shares her knowledge, experience, and expertise with us.

Sunday we’ll examine these questions about being discouraged:






For you or your friends who might be interested in our studies on the first three common emotional reactions we have to crises—feeling ANXIOUS, VICTIMIZED and OVERWHELMED—you might suggest they watch those lessons on our Voyagers’ YouTube Channel

— Bill Nichols

July 7, 2024


Grief. What is it? How to deal with it?

Dr. Jan Patterson interviewed by Dr. Bil Nichols

Follow along using the transcript provided on YouTube page (link is under the main video)

If you know someone who is grieving, this is a must see.




Note from Dr. Bill Nichols:

Dear Voyager's Class,


For many years, Phyllis and I have been like family with Drs. Jan and Tom Patterson and their boys. I am happy and proud to announce to you that on Sunday, July 7, Dr. Jan will be our guest teacher in our 9:45-10:45 AM class. I have asked Dr. Jan to speak to us and share an interview with me on an important subject to all of us. 


Over the last few months, a more than usual number of our class participants and close friends have experienced considerable losses and are still experiencing the grief that typically comes with those losses. Some grief comes from the death of a spouse, or a family member, or a close friend. It also comes with the loss of health or from significant changes in our lives. We’ve seen it all among our class members. Such experiences usually raise serious questions that can add to our pain.


Dr. Jan will be speaking to us on this subject that she knows very well – Dealing with Grief. She and her husband are participants in our class via Zoom when their schedules allow, and she has met a number of you personally. 


Dr. Jan is professor of medicine/infectious diseases and associate dean for Quality & Lifelong Learning at Long School of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio. She is staff physician and medical director of Integrative Medicine at University Health. A native Texan, Dr. Jan went to medical school in Texas, internal medicine residency at Vanderbilt in Nashville, and fellowship in infectious diseases at Yale in New Haven CT.  


She and her husband, Dr. Tom Patterson, returned to Texas and joined the faculty at UT Health San Antonio School of Medicine 30 years ago. 

Dr. Jan has a Masters in Health Care Management from Harvard School of Public Health and completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Health at University of Arizona. She is the inaugural medical director of integrative medicine at University Health.


Dr. Jan is a podcaster and the author of more than 150 scientific publications and has been an invited speaker in regional, national, and international venues. She is the co-author with Phyllis Clark Nichols of the award-winning book, Breath for the Soul: Self-Care Steps to Wellness which discusses the scientific and spiritual aspects of stress, anxiety, depression, and grief, and simple yet effective ways to help, including breathwork, movement, nutrition, and spirituality.


God knows the pain of our grief, and in His infinite love for us, He made sure that His Word has much to say about loss, grief, happiness, and joy. The Bible also gives us some helpful ways to regroup, learn to live, and regain our joy after such loss.


Dr. Jan will be speaking on this issue from the perspective of a woman of faith and a veteran doctor who has served through two pandemics and the aftermath of fear and trauma after 911. And she comes to us as one who is personally well-acquainted with grief. I will interview Dr. Jan and ask her questions I’m sure many of you have. In response, she will bring us a lesson from the Biblical perspective with some personal and practical ways of dealing with grief and regaining your joy. 


I hope you will be there, and please invite your family and friends who might benefit from this session as we welcome Dr. Jan Patterson. In cooperation with Ralph Rodriguez, we have invited our pastoral staff and our Stephen Ministers to either join us Sunday in class or via Zoom or by the recorded session on our Voyagers’ YouTube channel.  


— Bill Nichols

May 23, 2023



Do You Have Grief Or Depression?
An Integrative Physician Weighs In

BY RUTH CLARK, HealthDigest/Updated: May 23, 2023 3:21 PM EST

Read the full article

If you've ever experienced the loss of a loved one, it can be hard to tell if the sadness you're experiencing is a normal reaction to loss or a clinical condition. Dr. Jan E. Patterson, an integrative medicine and infectious diseases physician as well as Professor of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine, spoke to Health Digest about how to tell the difference between grief and depression — including differing symptoms, how to cope, and strategies for treatment for each.


"Grief is an inevitable part of life and occurs after the loss of a loved one, or something in life that is valued greatly — health, a job, a friendship," said Dr. Patterson. Depression, however, is different. "Depression, referring to the medical diagnosis of major depressive disorder, affects 10% to 20% of adults and has been called the greatest contributor to disability in the world." But the two share some of the same symptoms, making it hard to tell the difference at times. Symptoms in common can include intense sadness, tearfulness, insomnia, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating, and/or change in weight, according to Dr. Patterson.

Read the full article

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April 26, 2023

Wednesday @ 12:00 PM


Reading & Book Signing:

Public Library – Boerne, TX

Come visit with Dr. Jan and Phyllis at the Boerne Public Library Reading & Book Signing.

451 N Main St, Boerne, TX 78006


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Saturday, April 22, 2023 @ 2:00-3:00pm

Book Signing

LA Times Book Festival

We’re excited to announce that Dr. Jan will be attending and signing her new book this year's LA Times Book Festival at the University of Southern California on Saturday, April 22nd!

Dr. Jan's Book Signing will be in
Dr. Allen Lycka's Booth #966 (in the black zone)

Saturday, April 22 from 2:00-3:00pm 

We can’t wait to introduce Breath for the Soul at this year's Festival, meet new people, hear personal stories, and sign books. If you’ll be in attendance, we’d love to meet you! Stop by our booth and say hi.

Interested in registering? Here is a link that you can use! 

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April 20, 2023​

Thursday @ 6:00-7:00 PM

RSVP via Text: 210-727-4255

Reading • Refreshments • Discussion

An Evening of Self-Care Strategies & Book Reading @ PAM Health Warm Springs Rehabilitation Hospital of San Antonio


PAM Health Warm Springs Rehabilitation Hospital of San Antonio

5101 Medical Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229

In honor of International Women’s Day, PAM Health recognizes Dr. Jan Evans Patterson, MD, MS, Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases; Associate Dean; Quality & Lifelong Learning Director; Center for Patient Safety and Health Policy, UT Health San Antonio.

Amid her numerous groundbreaking contributions to medicine, Dr. Patterson volunteered and served at the frontlines in Toronto, Canada at the brink of the SARS 1 pandemic in 2003. Furthermore, Dr. Patterson helped lead University Health System’s efforts during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. Her impact continues today through a myriad of initiatives, to include her work with the COVID-19 Response Team at UT Health San Antonio, providing consultation and leadership regarding testing, policy, PPE, and patient care issues. Due to Dr. Patterson’s incomparable commitment to global health advocacy, countless lives have, and will continue to be, saved.

It is with wholehearted gratitude that we announce our next PAM Health Third Thursday event will feature Dr. Patterson, as she reads excerpts from her new book “Breath for the Soul: Self-Care Steps to Wellness.”

March 8, 2023

Wednesday @ 11:00 AM

Reading & Book Signing:

Public Library – Potranco Branch, YMCA Meeting Room

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February 21, 2023

Medical World News Interview

Wellbeing + Checkup: Breath for the Soul

Watch Now: Season 9, Episode 18

Jill Murphy, Editor at BioPharm/PharmTech, interviews Dr. Jan Patterson about her recent book, Breath for the Soul, and maintaining self-care while staying on top of your health. 

Wellbeing + Checkup: Important aspects of wellbeing, such as exercise, eating healthy, sleep, hobbies, and so much more are often placed on the back burner in the pursuit of excellent patient care — but that doesn't always need to be the case. Hear wellbeing tips and tricks from your colleagues on Wellbeing Checkup, a quick guide to staying healthy for healthcare professionals.

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February 21, 2023

Healthy Living TV Interview

Healthy Living with Lorie Johnson: Breath for the Soul Aims to Empower Readers to Practice Self-Care

CBN News: Healthy Living with Lorie Johnson, Medical Reporter

Watch Now (28:29)

How to Dr. Jan Patterson, author of Breath for the Soul: Self-Care Steps for Wellness, discusses ways to heal from and minimize depression, anxiety, stress, and grief.

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February 21, 2023 @ 5:01 PM

SDPB Radio | By Lori Walsh, Ellen Koester

"Breath for the Soul" explores self-care through integrative medicine

Listen Now (11:21):  This interview originally aired on In the Moment on SDPB Radio.

Jan Patterson, M.D., unpacks the complete self-care toolbox in her new book "Breath for the Soul: Self-Care Steps to Wellness." She joins Lori Walsh to discuss some of those tools, including breathing and toe-tapping.

Listen to learn how those tools can work in harmony with the treatments you can find in a clinic.

February 10, 2023


UT Health San Antonio:

Integrative Medicine: Dr. Jan Patterson on Self-Care Steps to Wellness For Free Ethics Credit!

Listen Now: Pediatrics Now: A Pediatric Medicine Podcast

If you’re a practitioner, click Here for ethics credit!

Texas Medical Board of Ethics

This presentation meets the Texas Medical Board criteria for formal continuing medical education involving the study of medical ethics and/or professional responsibility.

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Pediatrics Now host Holly Wayment discusses with Dr. Jan Patterson  simple ways we can use our breath, movement, nutrition, and spirit to care for ourselves, even during our busy work days, and especially during the toughest of times.  Dr. Patterson talks about some simple things we can do for ourselves that take only a few minutes. Plus, Dr. Patterson  opens up about unimaginable grief—the loss of her son Will and how to thrive with life’s greatest challenges.

January 25, 2023

Podcast Interview:

Self-Care Strategies for Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Grief with Host, Cheryl Benton


Listen here


Cheryl Benton, aka the “head tomato” is founder and publisher of The Three Tomatoes, a digital lifestyle magazine for “women who aren’t kids”. Having lived and worked for many years in New York City, the land of size zero twenty-somethings, she was truly starting to feel like an invisible woman. She created The Three Tomatoes just for the fun of it as the antidote for invisibility and sent it to 60 friends. Today she has thousands of friends and is chief cheerleader for smart, savvy women who want to live their lives fully at every age and every stage. She is the author of a novel, “Can You See Us Now?” and the sequel, “Can You Hear Us Now?” and the co-author of two humorous books of quips,” Martini Wisdom,” and “More Martini Wisdom.”

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Radio show microphones

January 18, 2023

Radio Interview:

Community Focus with Matt Nie

Matt Nie Community FocusMatt Nie with Dr. Jan Patterson
00:00 / 20:21

A little about Matt Nie:

Speech and Media Instructor / Radio Host / Leadership Advisor / Documentary Filmmaker / Speech and Media Instructor / Radio Host / Leadership Advisor / Documentary Filmmaker

Matt Nie teaches courses in Speech Communication, English, Radio Broadcasting, and Film Production. He also hosts a weekly radio program, "Community Focus" on 89.1 WBSD Burlington.


"I also proudly serve as head forensics coach, asst. cross country coach, and co-director of the DRIVEN student leadership organization. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to share in the lives of a wide variety of individuals over the airwaves and on film. In addition, I am dedicated to developing and refining the unique voice in my students, whether it be spoken, written, or visual. I also am committed to developing leadership skills in the next generation. Finally, I am the proud father of three committed to leaving this world a little better than the way I found it."

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2023 - coming soon!

Podcast Interview:

Interview with Janey Lee Grace

Podcast – coming soon!

Tips, advice and motivation from experts, authors and sober heroes and importantly we want to celebrate self-care in sobriety. We look at the issues around alcohol with no judgement and hope to inspire you to be all that you can be, joyful, healthy happy and brave! 

Janey Lee Grace is a UK based former BBC presenter, author of Happy Healthy Sober - ditch the booze and take control of your life. fave a TEDx talk Sobriety Rocks - Who Knew! and founder of

January 19, 2023

Great Love Media

Podcast/Interview: Ep 458

My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston

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I’m Dr. Mark Goulston, and this is My Wakeup Call. Everybody has personal wakeup calls, but not everybody wakes up. In this podcast, we speak to people who did. In fact, they not only woke up, but their wakeup calls changed their lives, often helped them discover their purpose and then changed how they would spend the rest of their life. In most cases, the wakeup call was not pleasant, sought-after, and often shook people to the core of their being. But in every case, it made our guests more authentic, better at life, better in life and better human beings. I hope you will listen in and become as inspired as I am from every episode. I also hope it will help you persevere if you are going through a wakeup call and haven’t yet gotten through the pain of it, or landed in your future as the better person you’re meant to be, with the better life that you’re meant to have.

Feb 9, 2023

Priority Publishing, Worth Reading

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WE magazine for women,
Interview by Heidi Mooney

Interview online

  • Why did you want to write this book? 

  • What was the most difficult part about writing the book? The most rewarding?

  • What do you hope other people will take away from reading your book?

  • And more...

Heidi Richards Mooney is the Publisher/Editor in Chief of WE magazine for women, and the Founder of Women in Ecommerce™.The author of eight books and co-author of two including “Rose Marketing on a Daisy Budget.,” Heidi has written hundreds of articles on topics relating to women and business, maintains eight blogs, contributes to national and international publications, and hosts a series of national events focusing on issues of interest to women.


The Twig Book Shop @ The Historic Pearl Brewery

January 18, 2023 from 5:30 pm to 7:00pm

Reading Event:

The Twig Book Shop @ The Historic Pearl Brewery  

306 Pearl Parkway Suite 106

San Antonio, TX 78215

Coming to see us? Check out the parking situation

January 5, 2023

at 7:30 am ET

Podcast Interview

"Pay Attention to Spirituality"
Dr. Allen Lycka: How to Live a Fantastic Life with special Guest, Dr. Jan Patterson

Pay Attention to SpiritualityDr. Allen Steven Lycka
00:00 / 27:50
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Dr. Jan's interview with Dr. Allen Lycka of “How to Live A Fantastic Life” is NOW AVAILABLE! Take a listen as I know you will be inspired to take action to live your best life in 2022! Read/Listen here...

Feb 2, 2023

Podcast on Wellness Radio with Dr Jeanette Gallagher

Being stuck with physical, mental, and spiritual issues affects the health of your entire being with Dr. Jan PattersonDr Jeanette Gallagher
00:00 / 45:46

Being stuck with physical, mental, and spiritual issues affects the health of your entire being with Dr. Jan Patterson

Interview online


Dr. Jeanette is a ‘medical intuitive’ & ‘soul doctor’! She helps you find the miracles in life, guides you to self healing methods and offers therapeutic conversations to allow your soul to speak; can you hear it? Life is so much more these days and you can take the time to explore the magic.  Dr. J shows you how!

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Delaney Media Group, America Tonight with Kate Delaney

Dec. 15, 2022

Podcast: Interview with Kate Delaney
America Tonight with Emmy-award-winning host, Kate Delaney  

Podcast: LISTEN  NOW (6:06)

Kate Delaney is an award-winning National broadcast personality who has interviewed over 16,000 including U.S. presidents, top CEOs and Hall of Fame athletes. As a woman hosting a successful, highly rated radio talk show, she became a pioneer in broadcasting. In addition to her popular speaking engagements across the country.


Kate has hosted shows on the NBC Sports Radio Network, WFAN in New York City and KRLD in Dallas, Texas. Currently she hosts the Kate Delaney show that includes Forbes Books Radio a weekly feature showcasing movers and shakers in the business world. It reaches three million people.


She picked up a Television Emmy for her special report on the AIDS epidemic in New Mexico and several Golden Mics for a series on immigration.

Instgram Live 12142022

@longevity_live with Gisele Wertheim Aymes

Instagram LIVE with Dr. Jan
Wed., Dec 14, 2022
10am ET (9am CT)

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Watch the Instagram Live video here (previously recorded) — as Giselle Wertheim Aymes interviews Dr. Jan about her new self-care book, Breath for the Soul.

Breath for the Soul Provides an Innovative, Simple Plan for Self-Care. 

Dr. Jan Patterson - Physician, Professor, and Author of Breath for the Soul
Gisèle WERTHEIM AYMéS - Founder World of Longevity. The Art and Science of Staying Young,

January 29, 2023 

Podcast Interview:

Dr. Dravon James -- Every Day Peace
It Takes More Than Conventional Medicine to Treat Conditions Like Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Grief

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A lifetime of experiences have planted the seeds of greatness within all of us. Everything that we have experienced in our lives has provided an opportunity to gain experience, strength, and wisdom. All of our life experiences (the good, the bad and everything in-between) provides nourishment for future growth. Dr. Dravon James coaches individuals and teams to cultivate greatness from their experiences and achieve the success they deserve. The Every Day Peace podcast brings the guests, topics, insight, and support to help listeners achieve their next level of greatness in the areas of health, wealth, and relationships.


Published in Authority Magazine. An Interview with Maria Angelova

Nov 25, 2022

Self-Care & Mental Wellness: Dr. Jan E. Patterson of Integrative Medicine on
The Top Five Selfcare Practices That Improve Mental Wellness

Read or listen to An Interview with Maria Angelova

Mindfulness. This is the practice of being present in the moment. Not ruminating about what happened yesterday or worrying about what will happen tomorrow. Just being present and experiencing what is happening at the moment. Putting down our phone and limiting time on social media to appointed times can help us with this.

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